Hello and happy spring from the PTC Education Advanced Technologies Team. We are excited about all of the teaching and research being done around the world with PTC technologies, and are eager to support you on your digital transformation journey. 

Please reach out to us at EduTech@ptc.com with any questions, or if you would like to share opportunities for collaborations in this newsletter. If you did not receive this letter directly, please complete this form to be added to the mailing list
Webinar Series
The next webinar of the semester will take place on March 22th at 9am EDT with a talk from Dr. John Liu about how AR can be used to effectively scale engineering education and workforce training. You can join the webinar with this link. Recordings of all past webinars can be found on this page

Please reach out if you would like to share any announcements or recruit research partners through PTC’s academic collaborator network. 
Key Collaborator Highlight
As part of a semester project in the Mechatronics & Robotics program at the UAS Technikum Wien, Jakob Hörbst has developed a desktop robot and an associated augmented reality (AR) experience that is intended to demonstrate the strengths of AR in robotics. The robot, which mainly comes from a 3D printer, was equipped with an industrial PLC to establish an IIoT connection to a ThingWorx server. By combining Vuforia Studio and the ThingWorx server, an experience could be created that not only displays current data from the robot, but can also control it to a desired position. Please see a video demonstration of his work here.
Education Student Research Associate Program 
Advanced Technology Highlight 
PTC Education’s Student Research Associates have explored more ways of taking advantage of the connection between Vuforia Studio and ThingWorx and have been documenting the process. Check out a demonstration of one use case of this connection at this link. You can find tutorials on how to create a data table with images from Vuforia Studio at this link.
Intern Highlight 
Alina Shah is a student at Tufts University studying Computer Science. When asked what they have learned using PTC Technologies, Teo said, “Over the past few months of working at PTC, I believe I have grown both as a programmer and as someone who is able to explore the integration of various technologies. Through my role in the Education Team, I have been introduced to new technologies that I hadn't worked with before from AR to CAD to IoT. Developing connections between robots, Vuforia Spatial Toolbox, Onshape, and other platforms has opened my eyes to the limitless possibilities and experiences that can be created to help others use this technology. I'm very excited to continue building on these connections and find new ones!” 
PTC Resources and Product Announcements 
You can find a collection of publicly available resources on digital transformation technologies on this GitHub page. Please let us know what other supports you would like to help in your digital transformation journey. 

Check out the new features included in the latest release of Onshape.
Please reach out if you would like to share any announcements or recruit research partners through PTC’s academic collaborator network.